For a long time, people have been concerned about their weight. They try all the options available to shed off their fat for the better. But with so many trending diet plans in the market, which one to follow for the best results and least negative impacts? Often, frequent travellers also obtain STI or an HPV Exams appointment to ensure they have not picked up any infections while away. Just a note of caution if you are travelling: for some countries, you may need the Same Day STI Profiles to visit from a Government list of approved 2 & 8 providers. And before you change anything to copy a popular diet, please consult a doctor. Popular diets can affect fluid concentrations; get vitamin D blood tests today. A Vitamin B12 test is also a great idea to know your levels.

After all, no one-size-fits-all diet plan is perfect for every body type. Before you stick to a specific diet plan, ask yourself if you can commit to it for a prolonged period or if it suits your lifestyle and food preferences. There is no particular medicine for weight loss until you change your lifestyle. It would help if you addressed the root cause. We have discussed all diet plans, and you can choose one that suits you the most. 

Low Carb Diet or Keto Diet

The internet has caused this diet to be popular. The main motive of the low-carb or Keto Diet is to push your body to use more fats. This substitute for carbs is a primary energy source, limiting your carb intake to 30-150 grams daily. One of the best diets to cut down belly fat. Also, improve your blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and insulin levels. However, the low-carb diet or Keto Diet is safe for most people; some have reported increased harmful cholesterol levels and feeling miserable while on this diet.

Firstly, vitamin D blood tests should be considered before any large-scale change in one’s diet. People with coronainfection should avoid a self-designed diet plan as it can be harmful. At the same time, if you haven’t checked yourself until now, you can order self-HPV testing kits from the Government list of approved 2 & 8 providers.

Low Fat Diet

A Low Fat Diet restricts your consumption of calories as fat to under 30%. This diet shows small yet relevant changes in overall weight. But is not as effective as the Low Carb Diet or The Ultra Low Fat Diet. Then there is also the ultra-low-fat diet. The Ultra Low Fat Diet restricts your consumption of calories as fat to under 10%. But this also reduces the overall intake of protein. Apart from drastic weight loss, this diet also improves your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease and inflammation. It can also help in managing type 2 diabetes. 

The diet is recommended for people who want quick weight loss. However, it is not effective in the long run. Many qualified and popular diet planners around  Gatwick, Manchester, Stansted, Heathrow, and Luton can create a customised low-carb diet plan for you. 

Vegan Diet or Plant-based Diet

A Vegan or Plant-based Diet is a form of a vegetarian diet but stricter. It eliminates meat, dairy, eggs, and animal-derived products, such as honey, whey, albumin, gelatin, and some vitamin D blood tests. Since this diet is associated with reduced calorie intake, low fat and high fibre, it helps to reduce weight effectively. The con of following a Vegan Diet is that you miss out on food that is immensely high in nutrients like zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, B12, iron, calcium, etc., owing to eliminating animal-based products. Tests have shown that Vit D and Calcium are essential to keep your bones strong. Other vitamins and minerals are also necessary to keep your body functioning correctly. Get a Vitamin D and B12 blood testing profile to check if this diet will benefit you. 

The Paleo and Dukan Diet, STI Resilence

The ideology behind this diet plan is that numerous modern diseases are linked to the Western diet and the consumption of dairy, grains, and processed foods. So, we must switch back to whatever our ancestors ate, like whole foods, vegetables, fruits, lean protein, nuts, and seeds, and avoid processed foods, sugar, dairy, and grains to cleanse our bodies and lose significant weight. However, this diet discards whole grains, dairy, and legumes, which are highly nutritious and healthy. This is a low-carb and high-protein weight-loss diet.

Each phase has its eating pattern. However, people have not thoroughly tested for HPV and adopted this diet due to insufficient knowledge and weird eating patterns. Therefore, if you plan to travel after the lockdown and wait for your self-assessment kit from the Government’s list of approved 2 & 8 providers, then this plan is not for you. This diet is popular with gym addicts and people who like a vitamin B12 or D blood test.

The Atkins, WW, and Dash diets have HPV implications.

In this diet, you can lose weight by eating as much protein and fat as you like, but you must avoid carbs. Weight Watchers Diet or WW is a points-based diet system wherein different foods and beverages are assigned a value depending on their fat, calorie, and fibre contents. To reach your desired weight, you must stay within your daily point allowance(this diet does not restrict any food groups). HPV Exams have proved that this is an effective plan. People can sustain themselves for a long if they follow the rules. This diet focuses on eating plenty of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

 The Zone Diet and IF

The Zone Diet is a low-glycemic-load diet and limits your daily carb, protein, and fat intake to around 30-40% each. Although its weight loss benefits are inconsistent, it reduces the risk of heart disease. Intermittent Fasting is a diet plan wherein you keep switching between periods of Fasting and eating. It is more of an eating pattern plan than a diet. It is because you do not restrict any food group and instead delay the timing. Although it promotes healthy weight loss and has multiple other benefits, it does not suit every body type. Before starting any diet plan, your blood must be checked for minerals and vitamin deficiencies. Get a vitamin B12 or D blood test profile near me today. Following this diet will not only reduce your weight but can also avoid many dangerous diseases.


Popular diets come and go; try them if you are confident in your health and think of making a positive change. Get a vitamin D or B12 blood test profile. Or a COVID test from the Government’s approved 2 & 8 providers. These same-day STI Exam clinics listed with the Government are the ones to be trusted.