In past times, it was uncommon for women to participate in competitive sports. But now, females have equal participation in sports, even internationally. Along with this change, a trend of women increasingly has resulted in orthopaedic injury. Specific injuries, including ACL tears, stress fractures, and ankle sprain, are now more common in females than males. This might be because of their internal health, which needs regular checkups. CBC Blood testing can help with this. Along with that, CA125 home kits are one of the most common and needed investigations necessary to perform on every woman.

No solid proof is available if we discuss the reasons behind this normality in females. Much study and research are still necessary. However, various prevailing theories point to the differences based on the anatomical structures, hormones and other factors in males and females. Let’s understand this through this article.

What is ACL? How does its injury Occur? 

ACL stands for Anterior Cruciate Ligament. It is present in the knee of a human’s leg. The knee is a hinge joint that contains 4 ligaments. Ligaments work to hold the bones all together and help to maintain the movement of the joint. Two ligaments inside the knee cross each other: the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments.

An ACL injury can take place due to numerous reasons. A sudden cutting or pivoting manoeuvre during physical or sporting activities like football, soccer, and basketball is the most common cause of this condition in women. “pop” or “snap” can also be heard sometimes. The patient might suffer severe pain during the time of this injury. However, it may vary among different individuals according to their condition.

Symptoms of ACL tear injury include:

  • Knee swelling
  • Inability to bear weight on the leg
  • A slight sound of “pop” in the knee at the time of injury
  • Instability of the knee

Is the Treatment of ACL Tear differ in Males and Females? How can CBC Blood result in help? 

The treatment of this type of injury is the same for males and females. It typically includes anti-inflammatory medication and physical therapy. In some cases, surgery can also be a solution. If surgery is needed, it is essential to have an eye on your body’s functioning and other nutritional factors. Getting regular CBC testing using home kits is an excellent way to do so. You can buy these kits and measure your health condition on a regular basis. You don’t have to discomfort yourself by going to a clinic or hospital. Just sit at your place and take the calculations of various factors of your body.

Why is ACL injury more common in females? 

If we see the structure of males and females according to their anatomical structures, they are not the same at all. They are not created equally but have different constructions. The female pelvis is much worse than that of a male. This changes the functioning mechanics of lower bones like the tibia, femur, and thigh bone. Due to this, soft tissues that support your joints experience more stress.

This makes the occurrence of acute and chronic orthopaedic injuries more common. ACL injury is a critical condition that is found more in females. Additionally, the mass around the knee is less in females than in males. This also becomes one of the reasons for the instability and tearing of the ACL. Moreover, it is essential to eat a healthy diet to overcome the need for vitamins, minerals, iron, calcium, etc. They will help to give your bones and muscles a firm grip. You can get a CBC Home Exam to check the levels of these nutrients. For knowing the status of ovaries and other reproductive health issues, CA125 Lab kits can help.

How can CBC Profile testing help if Surgery is Needed for an ACL Tear injury? 

Firstly, let me tell you that surgery is not necessary in all cases of ACL tear. It depends on various factors like age, current physical activity level, and desired activity level in future. But if your healthcare provider has told you to undergo surgery, a health exam is vital depending on a complete blood count. This routine exam is ordered before almost every surgery because it helps to analyze various health conditions. If there is time between your surgery date, you can take advantage of the Complete Blood Count kit by ordering its home monitoring kits. For extra care, they can also go for CA125 Cancer exams, which is an ovarian cancer marker. It will help to make them aware of the risks of various reproductive diseases.

What can Female athletes do to Prevent this Risk? Can getting Tested at Home with CBC Testing Kits Work in this? 

Here, we are talking about female athletes specifically because they are the women who are more likely to indulge in extreme physical activity that makes them even more liable to suffer an ACL tear. Even if you do everything right, sports injuries can also occur at that place. They are always a possibility that depends on your actions and precautions but are not in your hands completely. However, one must never underestimate the steps to minimize these risks. Women athletes can follow the following standard recommendations to prevent ACL tear and other orthopaedic risks:

Eat a Balanced Diet: Poor nutrition can be a reason for low strength, which can lead to various injuries. If your diet lacks essential nutrients, how can your bones and other body parts become strong enough to fight minor injuries? Thus, get CBC Blood kits, understand your health needs, and eat and act accordingly. Moreover, constantly examine your ovary’s health via the CA125 Home kit. If not discussed early, it could give you various chances to maintain your reproductive health if it has any problem that can interfere with your sports spirit.

Practice Good Techniques: In many cases, poor usage of techniques can lead to an injury. Thus, try to focus more on using the correct method for your respected sport.

Don’t work out while feeling fatigued: When you start to feel tired, then go for a rest. This is the best idea to relax your mind and body and helps avoid mistakes that could lead to injuries. Don’t compromise your health over your profession.

Conclusion for CA125 Kits

After the emergence of sports among females, the fact that they are more likely prone to constructive injuries than males comes out. ACL tear is one of the most common injuries. Anatomical differences are one of the reasons behind this. However, there is no solid proof exists about this. Female athletes are more at risk due to their high physical activity. They need to perform regular checkups with CBC testing to evaluate their health. CA125 Home kit will also help women to maintain their physical health.