If you’ve come this far wanting to know what a home Test cholesterol is but don’t know how to do it quickly, stay until the end of the article. The full blood count and CBC tests are similar but not the same.

Our team has created light and quick content for this article about Home test cholesterol through a Kit. And the CBC test in a clinic, too.

That is, a product capable of performing five checks (on your fat) with high agility and ease. Just order your kit online.

So, let’s start our article; however, remember to share this content with as many people as possible. You will be saving lives!

What is a “Home Test cholesterol”?

This type of check evaluates this molecule in our body to assess whether it is in excess.

Since it is nothing more than a lipid, a fat molecule that provides energy for the body.

However, despite having a very important function for our body, its unevenness causes serious problems in the bloodstream.

High levels of the mineral oxalic acid in the blood can compromise circulation, leading to a heart attack.

Therefore, when carrying out your sampling, you will be able to identify how your LDL and HDL (types of fat) are doing, which we will see later.

Why take a full blood count test?

The check assesses the patient and the body’s functioning.

In the case of issues, you can take a CBC test. Your goal is to check how the levels of this fat are in your body, preventing a heart attack or stroke.

In this way, maintaining regularity in these kits will make it more difficult to contract any disease, especially if you have a genetic predisposition.

So, in the next topic, we will see which home kits are done with the full blood count test Kit and what they evaluate.

What are the five checks performed by the Home Test Cholesterol Kit?

The Home Kit is a very simple check that, when done, must be sent to the laboratory for analysis of the results.

After explaining more about the Home cholesterol exam, your good and bad fat will be analysed once you receive your blood samples and other information.

Five checks are done on just one blood sample, where doctors will accurately see what is happening with your fat levels.

With total certainty, it is a very important check for people who feel they have bad habits or may develop some disease.

Either way, you will know your real situation when performing the sampling, so let’s understand how they work!

01. Total 

The first item done with blood samples taken from your bloodstream is your total body level.

This check will measure how much is present in your blood, whether it’s a good or bad cell type.

So, although the check is “unique” for each individual and their medical situation, we can guess how someone is doing through the sampling.

Since levels (even when added together) cannot exceed the number of 200 mg/dL, according to doctors and cardiologists.

Either way, wait for what your doctor will recommend, and if that’s your case, talk about what you should do to lower your levels.

02. LDL

Within the full blood count profile, we have our second item, which has a different purpose and is essential for health assessment.

That is, assessing the “bad” fat levels, which all doctors normally expect to be low for good health.

The patient’s situation is likely to be complicated. He has a high risk of cardiovascular problems.

Especially in cases where the risks have already been evaluated by the genetic condition or the patient’s health moment.

Thus, on average, the acceptable values ​​of a good LDL are 130mg/dL in normal patients. And below 70mg/dL in patients at risk.

03. HDL

The next item deals with the LDL counterpart, the “good” or HDL  as it is known within the medical community.

Evaluating HDL is another way to know the patient’s health. Because if HDL is low and LDL is high, there is a problem.

The right level is that HDL Cholesterol testing is always high in your results priorities; that way, you will be sure you are safe against diseases.

Optimal HDL levels are 40mg/dL or above, as it prevents cell buildup in the blood and works to maintain your health.

04. Triglycerides

Continuing our article, the Triglycerides check is next.

Along with your home kit. Your doctor will assess the general level of fat in your blood.

Since triglycerides are active fats in the body that feed the muscles and other areas, and when in excess, it has a risk of clogging the vessels.

Therefore, it is essential to know your concentration in adipose tissue and your health in general.

05. Total/HDL 

Finally, we have the Total Fat on HDL Fat. A test is done to assess the health of your blood directly.

The results of the Total and HDL fats are an index made. We can see if its presence is adequate.

Since the average Total is 200mg/dL. In cases where HDL is in a 5 to 1 ratio. (5 molecules to 1 of the HDL type) there is a problem.

The idea is that this ratio is 3 to 1 or similar.

So, before we finish the article, pay attention. Before performing any sampling, follow the standard recommendations that come with your kit for greater accuracy.

That way, we stop here and share it with your friends and family who need to see this content. Until next time

A full blood count is the best for checking your health. The CBC test can be taken simultaneously with other samples. But with the Home Test Cholesterol Kit option, we need to have extra kits used. This gives an almost full view of the health issues in the blood. Medicines Online can offer all solutions for a home kit and a London clinic sampling.