Among all gynaecological cancers, cervical cancer is the most preventable condition. It affects millions of women worldwide and is the most important thing women must be aware of. HPV DNA Kits have become the common defensive tool against the growth of this cancer. This virus most commonly transfers through sexual contact, and some of its high-risk stains can cause cervical cancer in women. This, in turn, causes the fastest-growing STI Home kit sales, overtaking COVID Testing in the United Kingdom.

But, the most common question in this surge of cervical cancer is how to prevent it. The answer to this question needs some understanding and action on your part. Let’s discuss some points explaining cancer’s cause and the steps to reduce your risk.

The Most Common Cause of Cervical Cancer is detected using HPV Variant kits.

Human papillomavirus is a common virus that transfers from one person to another during sexual activity. This infection has various links to the development of cervical cancer. However, having a current or past condition does not necessarily mean that the women have cancer because there are 100s of different variants, and only some of them are capable of causing cancer. Among others, many are harmless and wiped out on their own. Moreover, some of them need medical attention but are not deadly.

Prevalence of Cervical Cancer Increased the Importance of HPV Testing

As many cases have disclosed the elevation of HPV-related cancers, this has increased the significance of regular testing for the human papillomavirus. The STI Profile Test is one of the most common infections that need testing regularly. Testing not only authenticates the presence of a virus in the body but can also determine the type of virus. If it is a high-risk cancer-causing virus, the healthcare worker will get the time to take necessary measures. Screening is a way of finding women at high risk of cervical cancer.

Vaccination Against HPV is Necessary for Teens and Young Adults

Despite the prevalence of this virus, it is not that threatening, as vaccines are available to fight it. These vaccines can protect both men and women against all types of viruses. Getting these jabs before getting the infection is highly recommended in the teenage years to be effective. That is why girls and boys of 11 or 12 years are stressed to get these jabs. However, older teens and young adults can benefit if they are not vaccinated.

21 is the Best Age to Start Cervical Screening

Cervical cancer screening is a part of maintaining the overall health of women. A pap smear can also help determine the cellular changes in a woman’s cervix. It will check for the precancerous cells that have not yet developed into cancer but tend to do so if left untreated.

Please consult your doctor and ask them about the necessary screening method. It might differ for different women depending on age and risk factors. In some cases, doctors advise only one of these exams. However, you might be asked to perform both investigations in other cases.

Screening Prevents the Death from Cervical Cancer

The exact time of our death is unknown to anyone, but we can struggle to prevent the cases that lead to the circumstances of death. If any of you look at the records of the deaths of those women who performed regular HPV Home Test Kits and pap tests for cervical cancer, then you’ll not be able to find even a single case of death. This is because routine screening helps to find the cancer early when the chances of successful treatment are very high.

Regular Screening Reduces Unnecessary Diagnostic Procedures

Cellular changes in the cervix can cause cancer, but not in all cases. It can also be a normal yeast infection that is causing the inflammation, or it can also be a typical post-menstrual vaginal irritation. Thus, this indicates that abnormal exam results can’t be caused by cancer. Ask your doctor about the next procedure after a positive hpv or pap exam. They will best guide you for your health.

Before the arrival of these procedures, a colonoscopy, which is painful and distressing, is used to determine cervical cancer. Still, a simple HPV or pap exam is enough to diagnose this condition.

Don’t Ignore the Symptoms of Cervical Cancer 

Even if you follow regular screening guidelines, knowing the symptoms of this cancer is very important. Some of its common symptoms are:

  • Pelvic pain during intercourse
  • Vaginal bleeding after sexual penetration
  • Vaginal bleeding in between menstrual cycle and after menopause

Advanced cancer cases can also show symptoms like back pain, bladder and bowel issues, and leg swelling. It is necessary to understand these symptoms. Fix an appointment with a doctor to discuss them, as this STI Home kit is one of the most prevalent infection defence tools worldwide.

Advanced Stage Cervical Cancer from the HPV virus is Hardly Treatable.

It is necessary to know that, unlike other cancers like breast cancer, cervical cancer is not a very chemosensitive disease. Its best treatment is surgery. However, the later the stage becomes, the more the cancer spreads, leading to fewer chances of treatment. “The survivorship becomes very, very low with advanced disease”.

Conclusion for HPV DNA Tests

As cervical cancer is the most common in women, it is necessary to know every detail. This STI is a prevalent cause of this cancer. Many STI Test kits can identify other types of infections responsible for many other cancers, but human papillomavirus is famous for cervical cancer. Every woman must take this seriously and the significance of regular screening because it can save her from the dangerous outcome of cervical cancer. Along with this, one must understand the common symptoms of this cancer, as early diagnosis can help in successful treatment.

However, survivorship becomes very, very low with advanced disease.