Picture of the disease PCR and Rapid Chlamydia and COVID PCR Tests
A disease that started in China now affects more than 200 countries worldwide. After doing a PCR test for each individual, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic in March based on the number of cases and severity of the disease across the globe. Instant Rapid Chlamydia Tests are an alternative to PCR Kits.

How did it start?

The origin of the disease is not entirely a new virus but rather a mutation of the strain. It can infect both animals and humans. The first recorded case of the infection was in a seafood market in Wuhan, China. The seafood market in China trades wild animals like bats, snakes, pangolins, and rabbits. Research suggests:

  • The illness affecting humans is similar to the ones found in bats.
  • Bats infected an intermediate host – pangolins.
  • Humans contracted the disease from pangolins at the seafood market in Wuhan.

How can one get it?

Even after the wet market in Wuhan was shut down, China saw a rise in cases. This shows the disease could jump from one infected person to a non-infected person. In no time, there were thousands of new topics every day. Crowded places like malls, parks, and airports were the main source of infection spreading. Rapid Instant Tests are very popular at COVID test points at airports worldwide.

Studies show two main modes of transmission.

  • Direct contact – respiratory droplets of an infected person
  • Indirect contact – fomites of the infected person (e.g., thermometer)

Things quickly escalated globally

Due to the high spread rate of Covid-19, it quickly affected other countries. People from all around the world travelled into and out of China during the time of the outbreak. Several people got infected during flights and carried the illness elsewhere. Things slowed down in China around March, but the rest of the world suffered the consequences of the pandemic. The death toll has reached thousands in many different parts of the world.

Preventive Measures Taken for PCR

As no prompt vaccine is available against the virus, there is no option but to take precautions such as getting a PCR exam. So, how can you prevent yourself from getting infected? Here are some of the most effective guidelines you can take to avoid contracting the disease:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol-based hand wash to kill the germs on your hands. Also, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Your hands can pick up bacteria from a surface and infect you through your mouth or nose.
  • Use your elbow or a tissue to cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the tissue and wash your hands immediately.
  • Keep a safe distance of at least three feet between yourself and another person. This distance can help prevent the transmission of the virus via respiratory droplets.
  • Stay home and avoid going to crowded places.
  • Isolate yourself entirely if you show mild symptoms like fever or dry cough. Go to the nearest test clinic if you are concerned.
  • Do not share utensils. Send another family member to get the necessary supplies.
  • Wear a mask if you need to leave the house. This will prevent others from catching the infection.

PCR Or Instant Rapid Kit

The Opposite of a PCR test is a Rapid Antigen. Chlamydia is famous for this Instant Rapid Chlamydia Test kit for home. It’s more popular than the PCR versions. Choose what you prefer, but there is a reliability difference for you to consider.