Medical Solutions have sprung up in every country. The Herpes Type test is all the rage right now across the globe due to growing concern and awareness of viruses and their impact on the body. Many countries are now starting to enforce mass implementation using COVID-19 kits. So they can safely isolate those infected and decrease the further risk of spread to healthy individuals needing an STD check. For example, a mass examination was held in South Korea to tackle this problem early. Therefore, it resulted in vast and countrywide success when battling the disease.

Types and their STD Test Mechanisms

There are generally ten main types of STD tests available. Medicines Online profiles have 3, 8 and 10 markers in each kit. You can choose which one suits you at the moment of purchase. Each of the different shapes, including getting an individual Herpes Type Test, has pros and cons.

Laboratory Services

This is highly sensitive and uses a PCR test technique, which locates the virus’s RNA. It has the capability of detecting even one viral particle in a sample. The sensitivity of this is unmatched when compared with other methods. It sure comes at a price, though.

Serum Antibody 

The second one relies on measuring serum in one’s blood. Our body creates many different pathogens in response to viral particles. Some of these are very useful in our defence. While others are less useful, the scientist coats the tube with purified components of Covid-19. Then, the scientist mixed a blood sample from the patient. After the development, if antibodies are present in the blood, they will bind to the viral particles.

Pros and Cons of STD checks

It is fast, and many countries are using it as a primary means of testing. But, the analysis only shows positive if the virus is in the bloodstream. Not to mention a laboratory and qualified staff required to handle it. However,r there are portable machines are recently becoming available for them. And even the fastest ones take around 2 hours. So we still have to wait for them.

Other Method

An antibody test, on the other hand, requires weeks to develop. And it also doesn’t detect the virus itself. But, since the pathogen tends to last much longer in blood. It becomes useful to examine if a vaccine works or if someone has had any previous contact with the virus. A quicker, much cheaper method works similarly to pregnancy checks. But of course, they are less accurate than the labs. They work by detecting pathogens in your bloodstream.

A modified paper is used instead of a tube. The blood from a patient is taken and poured into the former. Which then provides a positive or negative sign for the presence of the disease. Methods like these are still debatable and are not officially available. You may come out positive even if you don’t have a condition. You may have pathogens against something resembling the virus. Or you can come out as negative, carry the Covid-19 virus around and infect others. Some of these have an accuracy of 80%. So, there is a 1/5 chance of the results being inaccurate.

Things to look forward to in the future: getting Herpes Test Type.

Whether you prefer the Antibody STD check or the other method, many factors remain to consider. Many laboratories and teams worldwide are looking to develop small, portable devices that are fast, simple, and affordable for everyone. By this, there will be an ease in mass implementation of this disease. Medicines Online has a service available for you to book an appointment. Nurses can visit you at home or the office.