If you want to know the immunoglobulin profile, what it is for, and why you should take it, stay with the article until the end. Full Blood Count kits at Medicines Online are a great health profile. The HPV and Herpes Home exams are excellent virus diagnostic products as they have fast results for a great total processing time.

Our team has compiled a complete guide to make it easier for you to perform the sampling and understand the results you get from the home kit. 

The offer will include some basic biomarkers to evaluate the levels of immunoglobulins in your blood. 

Therefore, before we begin, we recommend sending this content to as many people as possible. 

Let’s go!

What is the kit?

The Immunoglobulin Profile identifies the number of antibodies in patients’ bodies, as well as an assessment of their health status. 

Antibodies are cells necessary for the body to protect itself from disease and create barriers against infections, viruses, bacteria, and others. 

In other words, this exam is nothing more than an immune system evaluation. Assessing whether there is the presence of diseases and establishing a proper diagnosis.

Therefore, we will see the importance of an Immunoglobulin profile, how it should be done, and the results.

Why get an HPV exam?

As stated earlier, an immunoglobulin exam is a kit that evaluates the number of antibodies in the patient’s bloodstream. Like other full blood count kits, this home check is a form of disease prevention and an effective checkup tool since it is enough to take a certain amount of the patient’s blood sample to obtain results about their immunity and facilitate medical diagnosis. 

For example, by identifying the immunoglobulin profile, it is possible to confirm the presence of a disease in the body and the type of HPV disease if you get the right bundle of exams.

How do we perform the Herpes checkup?

Before we continue our content, we must understand how we do the Herpes Home exam. To do this, you should follow a few simple steps to ensure that the result will occur accurately in the analysis. First, fast for at least 4 hours before any Herpes sampling attempt. 

Another important point is the period in which the sample is taken. And it is always recommended that you take the piece on weekdays.

Thus, the deadline for the results is up to 3 working days, but this can vary according to when your blood sample was received. 

Finally, about the samples, you need to follow the information as stated in the manual for greater accuracy.

What is the Immunoglobulin Profile?

Several checks for examining immunoglobulins evaluate their direct relationship with the rest of the body and your health. However, in the case of the home HPV exams, we will determine only three very important checks for identifying blood health.

In our opinion, the main checks performed were identifying the number of antibodies and the major causative diseases. 

So, let’s start our list of issues with the exam:

Immunoglobulins A

First, we have the Immunoglobulin A checkup. A check evaluates allergies and infections in very selected and specific locations. 

For example, the genitals, regions of the urine, and the patient’s respiratory system.

Another important fact about this type of antibody is that it has approximately 20% presence in the human system. They are mothers of babies.

Through breast milk, babies come into direct contact with these cells, their first form of protection.

Their dysregulation indicates cirrhosis, respiratory and intestinal infections, and altered skin colours.

Finally, the healthy levels for this marker are 2.0-8.0 mg/dL for adults.

Immunoglobulins G

The next item is immunoglobulins G, which is probably one of the most important antibodies in the body. 

Possessing approximately 80% of the body’s antibodies, Immunoglobulins G is needed to evaluate the disease states of patients.

Since its increase/decrease directly to immunodeficiency, pregnancy, sclerosis, excessive protein loss syndrome, and others, one of the last pieces of information about this product is that it is a type of check. It is essential to identify which diseases the patient has.

This requires checking their blood levels, which are normally 540 to 1822 mg/dl and vary with age.

Immunoglobulins M

Our last item is for Immunoglobulins M, which are the body’s first responses to contact with the disease.

Its role is usually very broad since it is the first cell type. Produced to fight infection and external antigens.

Thus, in cases of variation, some disease symptoms usually involve pathologies in the patient’s blood.

For example, some diseases related to high and low immunoglobulin type M are pneumonia, prenatal infections, viral hepatitis, and mononucleosis.

Its normal levels within the bloodstream are approximately 22 to 240 mg/dl, varying according to the patient’s age and gender.

What should I do if my Herpes result is abnormal?

Suppose you notice changes in your results after the check. You must see a doctor to determine which disease has affected you. The Herpes Type exam is a fast and cheap health checkup tool, and as it’s a low cost, you don’t need to get stressed if your results are abnormal.

Also, find out if it is still acting on your body and what to do to resolve it and improve your body’s health.

 Usually, treatments for this situation involve taking antibiotics to prevent infection and an improved diet. Therefore, an HPV report is a great idea to ensure you are not infected again after recovering. Dongt be afraid of a negative result. It could be real and not abnormal.

What else can I get from the Medicines Online sampling centre?

Thus, over time, it improves your immune system and strengthens your body’s defences. A Full Blood Count and a Herpes home exam are popular options for home checkups in London.

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