Guidelines on How to Use Facemasks Properly

Though most countries have rules on using PPE face masks, which advises them, World Health Organization is responsible for international world health. It provides protocols such as an iron profile Blood test or social distancing. In addition, countries release their data with this organisation, which uses it for advisory policies.

According to WHO, the following guidelines should be followed when wearing a cover:

  • You should ensure you have washed your hands with soap and water before taking samples for a covid test or an iron profile.
  • When wearing a mask, make sure the mouth and nose are covered.
  • While using it, avoid touching it.
  • Once done using it, discard it in an airtight bag or a bin.
  • .When removing the cover, ensure you do not touch the front part of it

    Surgical Masks worn for clinic visit to do PCR test at home kits or iron profile test.

    Surgical masks are worn before visiting clinics for collecting PCR tests at home kits or other blood tests like iron profile blood tests.

Who Should Wear These Products

There is a shortage of masks around the world. In this regard, priority should be given to doctors and nurses who do PCR home visits or iron profile blood tests; WHO believes that wearing medical covers will create a false sense of security among the general population. It will result in people not adhering to other protective measures, such as not washing their hands and maintaining physical distancing.

  • Any person who suspects they have the disease.
  • Doctors and nurses.
  • All the infected with the illness.
  • Persons who are living with an infected person.
  • Caregivers are taking care of an infected individual.

Things to follow

WHO has different guidelines for healthcare workers, policymakers, and people that contain the covid virus. If you have mild symptoms other than getting your test result, you should follow the following instructions:

  • Stay at home and only go to a medical facility for a covid test or any other test like an iron profile test if necessary.
  • Regularly wash your hands with soap and water.
  • If soap is unavailable, use a hand sanitiser with an alcohol content of 60%.
  • Wear a face mask and change it every 24 hours before or after visiting a clinic to test for covid and other blood tests like iron profile tests.
  • Avoid infecting surfaces.
  • Ventilate your place of stay.

Healthcare Providers

  • Frequently wash your hands with soap and water if your hands are visibly dirty. Use a hand sanitiser for dirty hands.
  • Wear a medical cover when treating patients, preferably an N-95
  • Keep a minimum distance of 1 meter from an infected person
  • Dispose of bodies immediately after use

Decision Makers

The World Health Organization has also created guidelines for using face shields. Decision-makers should use these:

  • Should develop policies that protect the weak in society. For example, people with existing medical conditions
  • Create guidelines for social distancing measures
  • Consider the availability and price of masks
  • Consider the type of covers to use and by whom

Although the World Health Organization has created guidelines on face shields and PCR home visits must be done, these are not legally binding. Your duty as a responsible citizen is to follow your government’s regulations. Also, ensure you stay updated with the latest news about this disease.