After breaking off the barriers of the coronavirus pandemic, many people plan to travel abroad this summer. This article will help them to preserve their health during and after the trip. The risks to your health vary according to the type of trip you are going on and your nature. A more social and friendly person is likelier to get infected than one who prefers to stay alone. Various infections, such as anaemia, mosquito-borne infections, and others needing Full Blood Count Laboratory Exams, can halt your trip. Other than this, if you get a new partner during your travel, you will risk getting sexual ailments. Thus, an STI Testing kit can help you to check your STD status.

Moreover, it is a good idea to plan the journey you ahead to know about the area’s outbreaks and events. This will help you stay updated with that place’s health risks. Follow this guide to take more health tips for a safe trip abroad.

Check the Local Health Risk Status Before Planning a Trip!

It is recommended to check the area’s and country’s health risks before planning travel abroad. This includes vaccinations for certain diseases and infections. Some countries require vaccination records of certain infections; otherwise, they will not allow you to enter their place. Different diseases circulate in different countries, some of which can be dangerous and need vaccination to protect your health. If we look around the world, Africa, Asia, and the mainland of Europe have a common problem of measles. Getting vaccinated for this disease is essential to secure yourself from it. Vaccination for rabies, Japanese Encephalitis, and others are also necessary in some parts of the world.

Other than this, certain health checkup results are necessary to show up at the security of some countries to enter them. A Full Blood Count Health Exam is a routine checkup under almost every travel health checkup. So, remember to perform it before going anywhere. Moreover, if some complication occurs, contact your healthcare provider, secure proper treatment, and get well soon to go on a trip. Checking for sexual infections before leaving the country by performing STI Profile Exams will be an intelligent idea.

Have a Look at Your Mouth and Examine Yourself with a Full Count Profile Blood Exam

Travellers suffer from high gastrointestinal infections during an abroad trip. Thus, it makes essential to watch your eating habits. To avoid potentially serious food-borne conditions during travel, you must be mindful of what you eat and drink. Eating and drinking contaminated food are the biggest reasons for serious stomach infections. A Full Count Exam can detect these conditions easily, so remember to go through it. Hepatitis A is one such food-borne infection that causes due to contaminated food. Beware of it. Look at what you eat and get regular health checkups.

Some of the good options for travellers to eat healthy and disease-free food are:

  • Try to eat thoroughly cooked food that is served hot and fresh.
  • Go for more fruits that are fresh and unpeeled. Peel them yourself to authenticate their purity.
  • Use pasteurized dairy products like cheese, milk, and yoghurt. They are good for health and give immunity.

High-risk people like children, adults over 60, and pregnant ladies need to be more alert with their eating routine while travelling abroad. For expecting women, regular STI Testing is pivotal for the health of the mother and baby.

Be Cautious of the Heat Wave and Stay Hydrated! 

The heat wave is spread all over the world. It is advised not to go for a place with hot weather as it can adversely impact your health. However, if someone is fond of going to such climatic areas, they must prepare themselves. Be mindful of drinking a lot of water after visiting that place. Protect your skiing by regularly applying sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of almost 15 or higher.

Along with your skin, your eyes need protection from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Thus, always wear sunglasses in the morning. Moreover, it would be best to follow the local health guidelines of the place you are visiting.

Beware of Mosquitoes and Perform Full Count Home Exams To Check Your Status.

Those willing to go to warm places must beware of the threat of mosquitoes. Warm places are prone to harmful mosquitoes that can spread infections like Zika, dengue, and malaria. Those willing to travel to the UK need to know that mosquitoes develop and spread these conditions in some places with warm climates. Regular health screenings are necessary to perform that can reveal the condition of your body. This screening can easily detect dengue. Platelets are the main dengue indicator visible in this blood monitoring. A low value of platelets indicates the presence of dengue.

Malaria is another condition that is caused by a mosquito Anopheles mosquito. Anti-malaria medications can be helpful in staying protected from malaria. Ask your healthcare professional to get these medicines for you. Remember to carry a home testing kit for Full Count Home Exams. They can help you in every possible way to tackle the threats of infections.

Beware of Sexual infections and Check your Status with STI Home Kits.

Travelling does not only mean that you have to look for new places, monuments, food, and architecture; meeting new people is also very common during a foreign trip. People you don’t know about and have no clue about their sexual history. It would be better to stay updated with your sexual health. To maintain your status, you can carry STI Home kits which can help you to give instant results of your health checkup.


A foreign trip is no less than a “dream come true” for many, and others have much experience. But, staying updated with health news of your and other countries is essential to experience safe travel. With enjoyment, refreshments and new friends, travelling can also give you diseases and infections, some of which can be fatal. Home screening kits play a great role in this by instantly checking the presence of the infection. In the surge of sexual infections, STI Home kits are the alternative to protect your sexual health.

