Blood - Home Kit
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    All checks have 98-99% overall accuracy

Showing 1–12 of 20 results

  • £39.00 or subscribe and save up to 20%

    One of the most common checks is CBC Tests or Complete Full Blood Count test Profile, which screens 16 BioMarkers with a simple finger-prick sample.

    Complete Blood Count Home Test
    Finger-prick Sample
    Home delivery icon
    Sample Kit delivered to your home.
    Cheapest price icon
    Lowest price
    Track 24 icon
    Track24 Pre-Paid Label – Return to Lab
    book to show easy to use and clear
    Easy to use and clear
    Result in 1 to 3 days
    Result in 1-3 days

    16 CBC Tests BioMarkers:

    Complete Blood Count Home Test - Haematocrit
    Complete Blood Count Home Test - Haemoglobin
    Complete Blood Count Home Test - MCH
    Complete Blood Count Home Test - MCHC
    Complete Blood Count Home Test - MCV
    Complete Blood Count Home Test - MPV
    Complete Blood Count Home Test - RDW-CV
    Complete Blood Count Home Test - RDW-SD
    Complete Blood Count Home Test - Red Cell Count
    Red Cell Count
    Complete Blood Count Home Test - White Cell Count
    W. Cell Count
    Complete Blood Count Home Test - Basophils
    Complete Blood Count Home Test - Eosinophils
    Complete Blood Count Home Test - Lymphocytes
    Complete Blood Count Home Test - Monocytes
    Complete Blood Count Home Test - Neutrophils
    Complete Blood Count Home Test - Platelet Count
    Platelet Count

    Click here for instructions on how to make Complete Blood Count CBC Tests at home.

  • £35.00 or subscribe and save up to 20%

    A simple finger-prick Liver Function Test kit helps to screen for 6 BioMarkers’ potential damage.

    Liver Function Home Test
    Finger-prick Sample
    Home delivery icon
    Sample Kit delivered to your home.
    Cheapest price icon
    Lowest price
    Track 24 icon
    Track24 Pre-Paid Label – Return to Lab
    book to show easy to use and clear
    Easy to use and clear
    Result in 1 to 3 days
    Result in 1-3 days

    6 BioMarkers:

    Liver Function Home Test - Total Bilirubin
    Total Bilirubin
    Liver Function Home Test - Alanine Aminotransferase
    Alanine Aminotransferase
    Liver Function Home Test - Aspartate Aminotransferase
    Aspartate Aminotransferase
    Liver Function Home Test - Alkaline Phosphatase
    Alkaline Phosphatase
    Liver Function Home Test - Total Protein
    Total Protein
    Liver Function Home Test - Albumin

    Liver Function Tests view here for instructions on how to make a sample at home

  • £29.99 or subscribe and save up to 20%

    A quick and easy kit for a home that measures 5  bio-markers for your blood.

    Cholesterol Profile Home Test
    Finger-prick Sample
    Home delivery icon
    Sample Kit delivered to your home.
    Cheapest price icon
    Lowest price
    Track 24 icon
    Track24 Pre-Paid Label – Return to Lab
    book to show easy to use and clear
    Easy to use and clear
    Result in 1 to 3 days
    Result in 1-3 days

    5 BioMarkers:

    dna strand
    Total Cholesterol
    Cholesterol Profile Home Test - LDL Cholesterol
    LDL Cholesterol
    Cholesterol Profile Home Test - HDL Cholesterol
    HDL Cholesterol
    Cholesterol Profile Home Test - Triglycerides
    Cholesterol Profile Home Test - Total/HDL Cholesterol
    Total/HDL Fat

    Also, you can Click here for instructions on how to make a sample at home

  • £49.00 or subscribe and save up to 20%

    A quick and easy finger-prick Vitamins Blood Test home kit, which screens for 2 Vitamins, D and B12.

    • Finger prick sample
    • Test Kit delivered to your home 
    • Great value
    • Track24 Pre-Paid Label – Return to Lab
    • Easy to use and clear
    • Results in 1-3 days

    2 Vitamins BioMarkers:

    • B12 
  • £35.00 or subscribe and save up to 20%

    This quick and easy home kit measures 5 BioMarkers, giving you detailed information regarding your health.

    Kidney Function Home Test
    Finger-prick Sample
    Home delivery icon
    Sample Kit delivered to your home.
    Cheapest price icon
    Lowest price
    Track 24 icon
    Track24 Pre-Paid Label – Return to Lab
    book to show easy to use and clear
    Easy to use and clear
    Result in 1 to 3 days
    Result in 1-3 days

    5 BioMarkers:

    Kidney Function Home Test - Urea
    Kidney Function Home Test - Bicarbonate
    Kidney Function Home Test - Creatinine
    Kidney Function Home Test - Albumin
    Kidney Function Home Test - Phosphate

    Instructions for the how to make a sample at home.

  • £59.99 or subscribe and save up to 20%

    A quick finger-prick anaemia blood Test sample screen for 19 BioMarkers helps you better understand your health. Anaemia is prevalent, affecting more than 30% of the global population.

    Anaemia Profile Home Test
    Finger-prick Sample
    Home delivery icon
    Sample Kit delivered to your Home
    Cheapest price icon
    Great Value
    Track 24 icon
    Track24 Pre-Paid Label – Return to Lab
    book to show easy to use and clear
    Easy to use and clear
    Result in 1 to 3 days
    Result in 1-3 days

    19 Anaemia BioMarkers:

    Anaemia Profile Home Test - Haematocrit
    Anaemia Profile Home Test - Haemoglobin
    Anaemia Profile Home Test - MCH
    Anaemia Profile Home Test - MCHC
    Anaemia Profile Home Test - MCV
    Anaemia Profile Home Test - MPV
    Anaemia Profile Home Test - RDW-CV
    Anaemia Profile Home Test - RDW-SD
    Anaemia Profile Home Test - Red Cell Count
    Red Cell Count
    Anaemia Profile Home Test - White Cell Count
    W. Cell Count
    Anaemia Profile Home Test - Basophils
    Anaemia Profile Home Test - Eosinophils
    Anaemia Profile Home Test - Lymphocytes
    Anaemia Profile Home Test - Monocytes
    Anaemia Profile Home Test - Neutrophils
    Anaemia Profile Home Test - Platelet Count
    Platelet Count
    Anaemia Profile Home Test - Ferritin
    Anaemia Profile Home Test - Iron
    Anaemia Profile Home Test - CRP-HS

    Anaemia instruction: View here how to make a sample at home.

  • £129.00 £99.00

    This is a simple check with 7 BioMarkers in the Bone Profile Blood Test. It analyses the proteins, minerals and enzymes in your bones.

    Bone Profile Home Test
    Finger-prick Sample
    Home delivery icon
    Kit delivered to your Home.
    Cheapest price icon
    Track 24 icon
    Track24 Pre-Paid Label – Return to Lab
    book to show easy to use and clear
    Easy to use and clear
    Result in 1 to 3 days
    Result in 1-3 days

    7 BioMarkers:

    Bone Profile Home Test - Urea
    Bone Profile Home Test - Calcium
    Bone Profile Home Test - Alkaline Phosphatase
    Alkaline Phosphatase
    Bone Profile Home Test- Bicarbonate
    Bone Profile Home Test - Creatinine
    Bone Profile Home Test - Phosphate
    Bone Profile Home Test - Albumin

    Bone Blood Tests Instructions:

    For instructions, view the PDF here on how to make a Bone Profile Test sample at Home.

  • £80.00 or subscribe and save up to 20%

    3 BioMarkers measure the levels of antibodies in your Immunoglobulin Blood Tests. Abnormal levels can indicate that there is a health problem

    Immunoglobulins Profile Home Test
    Finger-prick Sample
    Home delivery icon
    Sample Kit delivered to your home
    Cheapest price icon
    Cheapest price
    Track 24 icon
    Track24 Pre-Paid Label – Return to Lab
    book to show easy to use and clear
    Easy to use and clear
    Result in 1 to 3 days
    Result in 1-3 days

    3 Immunoglobulins Blood Test BioMarkers:

    Immunoglobulins Profile Home Test - Immunoglobulin A
    Immunoglobulin A
    Immunoglobulins Profile Home Test - Immunoglobulin G
    Immunoglobulin G
    Immunoglobulins Profile Home Test - Immunoglobulin M
    Immunoglobulin M

    Click here for instructions on how to make a sample at home.

  • £75.00 or subscribe and save up to 20%

    Your body uses minerals to keep your bones, muscles, heart, and brain working properly. With only a finger-prick Mineral Blood Test sample, you can measure 5 in 1 kit.

    Mineral Profile Home Test
    Finger-prick Sample
    Home delivery icon
    Sample Kit delivered to your home.
    Cheapest price icon
    Lowest price
    Track 24 icon
    Track24 Pre-Paid Label – Return to Lab
    book to show easy to use and clear
    Easy to use and clear
    Result in 1 to 3 days
    Result in 1-3 days

    5 Mineral Profile BioMarkers:

    Mineral Profile Home Test - Magnesium
    Mineral Profile Home Test - Zinc
    Mineral Profile Home Test - Potassium
    Mineral Profile Home Test - Copper
    Mineral Profile Home Test - Sodium

    Mineral Blood Test Instructions click here for instructions on how to take a sample at home.

  • £65.00 or subscribe and save up to 20%

    The Pancreatic Blood Test Health Profile is a simple finger-prick blood Sample Home Check that measures 2 Tests in 1 kit.

    Pancreatic Profile Home Test
    Finger-prick Sample
    Home delivery icon
    Kit delivered to your home.
    Cheapest price icon
    Cheapest price
    Track 24 icon
    Track24 Pre-Paid Label – Return to Lab
    book to show easy to use and clear
    Easy to use and clear
    Result in 1 to 3 days
    Result in 1-3 days

    2 Biomarkers:

    Pancreatic Profile Home Test - Amylase
    Pancreatic Profile Home Test - Lipase

    Blood Test Kit view here for instructions on how to make a sample at home.

  • £29.99 or subscribe and save up to 20%

    A simple finger-prick home sampling kit helps to detect 4 Biomarkers for Iron deficiency, one of the most common causes of fatigue.

    Iron Profile Home Test
    Finger-prick Sample
    Home delivery icon
    Sample Kit delivered to your home
    Cheapest price icon
    Great value
    Track 24 icon
    Track24 Pre-Paid Label – Return to Lab
    book to show easy to use and clear
    Easy to use and clear
    Result in 1 to 3 days
    Result in 1-3 days

    4 BioMarkers:

    Iron Profile Home Test - Iron
    Iron Profile Home Test - Ferritin
    Iron Profile Home Test - CRP HS
    CRP RA
    Iron Profile Home Test - TIBC

    Click here for instructions on how to make a sample at home.

  • £65.00 or subscribe and save up to 20%

    A simple finger-prick sample kit measures 3 BioMarkers and helps detect diabetes early and prevent complications.

    Diabetes Profile Home Test
    Finger-prick & Urine sample
    Home delivery icon
    Kit delivered to your home
    Cheapest price icon
    Great value
    Track 24 icon
    Track24 Pre-Paid Label – Return to Lab
    book to show easy to use and clear
    Easy to use and clear
    Result in 1 to 3 days
    Result in 1-3 days

    3 BioMarkers:

    Diabetes Profile Home Test - Glucose
    Diabetes Profile Home Test - HbA1C
    Diabetes Profile Home Test - Microalbumin

    Click here for instructions on how to make a sample at Home.