  • Registered-General-Nurses

    Test Partners Across London

    Partner Locations across the UK

    Home or Clinic Checks across the UK

    Quality Lab Procedures: Inter-laboratory Validation

  • DHSC-logo


    Home Delivery & Clinic visits

    HPV Check

    STI Check

    All checks have 98-99% overall accuracy

Showing 97–108 of 116 results

  • £110.00
    An easy finger prick test to know the Ovarian Cancer Sensitivity Tumour marker
    Blood Test at a London clinic – 4 locations to choose from.
    Ovarian Cancer Sensitivity Tumour Marker Clinic Test
    Clinic Visit Blood Test
    high quality brand icon
    High Quality Test Brands
    Cheapest price icon
    Great Value
    Location icon
    4 London Clinic Locations
    Result in 1 to 3 days
    Results within one day

    1 Test:

    Ovarian Cancer Sensitivity Tumour Marker Clinic Test - HE4HE4 (Ovarian cancer sensitivity)
  • £73.00
    Glucose blood test clinic sample
    Clinic Visit Blood Test
    high quality brand icon
    High-Quality Test Brands
    Cheapest price icon
    Great Value
    Location icon
    4 London Clinic Locations
    Result in 1 to 3 days
    Results within one day

    1 Test:

    Glucose blood test clinic

    |Navigate for the Glucose test kit for the home.

  • £65.00 £49.00 or subscribe and save up to 20%

    This is a Bilirubin Blood Test kit that will check your liver’s health. It is also commonly used to help diagnose newborn jaundice.

    Bilirubin Home Test sample
    Finger-prick Sample
    Home delivery icon
    Sample Kit delivered to your home
    Cheapest price icon
    Great value
    Track 24 icon
    Track24 Pre-Paid Label – Return to Lab
    book to show easy to use and clear
    Easy to use and clear
    Result in 1 to 3 days
    Result in 1-3 days

    1 BioMarker:

    Total Bilirubin Home Test
    Total Bilirubin

    Click here for instructions on how to take a sample at home.

  • £60.00
    • Tested Positive?
    • Online Prescription within 24 hours
    • Great value

    6 Tests:

    • Chlamydia
    • Gonorrhoea
    • Ureaplasma
    • Mycoplasma
    • Trichomoniasis
    • Herpes Simplex I and II
  • £79.00
    An easy finger prick test to know the Ovarian Cancer Sensitivity Tumour marker
    Blood Test kit for UK home delivery.
    Ovarian Cancer Sensitivity Tumour Marker Home Test
    Finger-prick Sample
    Home delivery icon
    Test Kit delivered to your home
    Cheapest price icon
    Great Value
    Track 24 icon
    Track24 Pre-Paid Label – Return to Lab
    book to show easy to use and clear
    Easy to use and clear
    Result in 1 to 3 days
    Results within 1-3 days

    1 Test:

    Ovarian Cancer Sensitivity Tumour Marker Home Test - HE4HE4 (Ovarian cancer sensitivity)
  • £170.00 £150.00 or subscribe and save up to 20%
    Health Check Profile Home Test
    Finger-prick Sample
    Home delivery icon
    Sample Kit delivered to your home
    Cheapest price icon
    Great Value
    Track 24 icon
    Track24 Pre-Paid Label – Return to Lab
    book to show easy to use and clear
    Easy to use and clear
    Result in 1 to 3 days
    Result in 1-3 days

    15 BioMarkers:

    Health Check Profile Home Test - Total Bilirubin
    Total Bilirubin
    Health Check Profile Home Test - Alkaline Phosphatase
    Alkaline Phosphatase
    Health Check Profile Home Test - Alanine Aminotransferase
    Alanine Aminotransferase
    Health Check Profile Home Test - Aspartate Aminotransferase
    Aspartate Aminotransferase
    Health Check Profile Home Test - Albumin
    Health Check Profile Home Test - Urea
    Health Check Profile Home Test - Creatinine
    Health Check Profile Home Test - Sodium
    Health Check Profile Home Test - Iron
    Health Check Profile Home Test - CRP High Sensitivity
    CRP High Sensitivity
    Health Check Profile Home Test - Total Cholesterol
    Total Cholesterol
    Health Check Profile Home Test - LDL Cholesterol
    LDL Cholesterol
    Health Check Profile Home Test - HDL Cholesterol
    HDL Cholesterol
    Health Check Profile Home Test - Triglycerides
    Health Check Profile Home Test - Total Cholesterol/HDL Cholesterol
    Total Cholesterol/HDL Cholesterol

    Click here for instructions on how to make a sample at Home.

  • There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • £9.50

    Dear Customer,

    Customers who entered the wrong address or have a failed test result should order another kit to meet the requirements of being tested when they enter the UK during their isolation. Replacement Kits are required under the following circumstances.

    • Failed Results Retest order from the Lab (kits sent for free)
    • Wrong Address Reorder (kits need to be ordered)
    • Delayed or missing test (kits ordered but credited when claim form submitted or lost kits are found and returned)

    Please note: Any found kits will be processed, and a credit will be issued to the customer. In the meantime, we suggest retesting without delay unless you want to stay in isolation.


  • £115.00

    A quick blood test that measures three test profile and helps to detect diabetes
    early and prevent complications

    Diabetes Profile Clinic
    Clinic Visit Blood Test
    high quality brand icon
    High Quality Test Brand
    Cheapest price icon
    Great Value
    Location icon
    4 London Clinic Locations
    Result in 1 to 3 days
    Results within one day

    3 Tests:

    Diabetes Profile Clinic - Glucose
    Diabetes Profile Clinic - HbA1C
    Diabetes Profile Clinic - Microalbumin

    For the home test kit, please click here

  • £59.99
    Iron Profile Clinic
    Clinic Visit Blood Test
    high quality brand icon
    High Quality Test Brands
    Cheapest price icon
    Great Value
    Location icon
    4 London Clinic Locations
    Result in 1 to 3 days
    Results within one day

    4 Tests:

    Iron Profile Clinic - Iron
    Iron Profile Clinic- Ferritin
    Iron Profile Clinic - CRP High Sensitivity
    CRP HS
    Iron Profile Clinic - TIBC

    For the home test kit, please click here

  • £59.00
    Cholesterol Profile Clinic
    Clinic Visit Blood Test
    high quality brand icon
    High Quality Test Brands
    Cheapest price icon
    Great Value
    Location icon
    4 London Clinic Locations
    Result in 1 day
    Result in 1 day

    5 Tests:

    Cholesterol Profile Clinic - Total Cholesterol
    Total Cholesterol
    Cholesterol Profile Clinic - HDL Cholesterol
    HDL Cholesterol
    Cholesterol Profile Clinic - LDL Cholesterol
    LDL Cholesterol
    Cholesterol Profile Clinic - Triglycerides
    Cholesterol Profile Clinic - Total/HDL Cholesterol
    Total/HDL Cholesterol

    For home test kit please click here

  • £89.00
    Anaemia Profile Clinic
    Clinic Visit Blood Test
    high quality brand icon
    High Quality Test Brands
    Cheapest price icon
    Great Value
    Location icon
    4 London Clinic Locations
    Results within one day
    Result in 1-2 days

    19 Tests:

    Anaemia Profile Clinic - Haematocrit
    Anaemia Profile Clinic - Haemoglobin
    Anaemia Profile Clinic - MCH
    Anaemia Profile Clinic -MCHC
    Anaemia Profile Clinic - MCV
    Anaemia Profile Clinic - MPV
    Anaemia Profile Clinic - RDW-CV
    Anaemia Profile Clinic - RDW-SD
    Anaemia Profile Clinic - Red Cell Count
    Red Cell Count
    Anaemia Profile Clinic - White Cell Count
    W. Cell Count
    Anaemia Profile Clinic - Basophils
    Anaemia Profile Clinic - Eosinophils
    Anaemia Profile Clinic - Lymphocytes
    Anaemia Profile Clinic - Monocytes
    Anaemia Profile Clinic - Neutrophils
    Anaemia Profile Clinic - Platelet Count
    Platelet Count
    Anaemia Profile Clinic
    Anaemia Profile Clinic - Iron
    Anaemia Profile Clinic - CRP High Sensitivity
    CRP HS

    For home test kit please click here