STI - Home Kit
  • Registered-General-Nurses

    Test Partners Across London

    Partner Locations across the UK

    Home or Clinic Checks across the UK

    Quality Lab Procedures: Inter-laboratory Validation

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    Home Delivery & Clinic visits

    HPV Check

    STI Check

    All checks have 98-99% overall accuracy

Showing 13–14 of 14 results

  • £60.00
    • Tested Positive?
    • Online Prescription within 24 hours
    • Great value

    6 Tests:

    • Chlamydia
    • Gonorrhoea
    • Ureaplasma
    • Mycoplasma
    • Trichomoniasis
    • Herpes Simplex I and II
  • £9.50

    Dear Customer,

    Customers who entered the wrong address or have a failed test result should order another kit to meet the requirements of being tested when they enter the UK during their isolation. Replacement Kits are required under the following circumstances.

    • Failed Results Retest order from the Lab (kits sent for free)
    • Wrong Address Reorder (kits need to be ordered)
    • Delayed or missing test (kits ordered but credited when claim form submitted or lost kits are found and returned)

    Please note: Any found kits will be processed, and a credit will be issued to the customer. In the meantime, we suggest retesting without delay unless you want to stay in isolation.