Ageing is a natural phenomenon, and everyone has to experience it if our lives give us a chance to live that long. But for now, some adults have aged parents who need care. And feel they need to be caring for them in their later and final years. Health is the main issue of old age people, and you can monitor their health by checking their blood test results. Regularly checking them with home monitoring kits is a cost-effective and easy solution. Buying a CBC Home kit will be the best way to know about various health conditions. HPV Testing kits will be best for older women at high risk of cervical cancer.

Home testing kits will allow you to check your parent’s health status at home, thus decreasing travelling discomfort. In this article, we’ll share various tips to support your old parents in their final years.

Assess the needs of your Parents: Buy a CBC Kit.

Caring for an old age parent is one of the toughest jobs, requiring significant responsibility and time. Old age makes a person irritable and unstable, which leads to misunderstandings. But, by assessing their needs, one can make this caregiving situation the best part of their life.

But, many people are unsure about the necessary things that fulfil their parent’s needs. Below are some of the common needs an aged person requires constantly.

  • Family love and support
  • Medical Care
  • Healthy meal
  • Home Safety
  • Personal hygiene
  • Mobility
  • Cognitive health
  • Social interaction

These are a few basic needs of an older adult. After reading these points, it can help determine how much to do for your ageing parents. It would be better to list the required things and then try to fulfil them.

Let’s try to understand this topic further by using an example. Suppose your mother or father has diabetes; performing regular tests to check their sugar level is essential. A CBC checkup may help you with this. Thus, buying home monitoring kits is the best way to deal with it.

In a second example, as you know, the risk of cervical cancer increases in older women. Thus, home testing kits for HPV will be useful in monitoring the cervical cancer danger of your mother. These are the small things you can do for your parents.

Don’t Forget About Your Own Needs and Abilities

Caring for an older person can be challenging, and often, many forget their health and focus on their parents. But remember, if you are unhealthy too, how can you support and care for others? So, manage your health and constantly monitor your results. For this, regular checkups are important for the caregiver, too.

Benefits of Buying CBC Home Monitoring Kits 

A complete blood count is a routine checkup for detecting most infections and other health conditions. Doctors recommend this exam with every checkup. Buying a home kit for this checkup will help you monitor your blood from the comfort of your home. It is easy and has more privacy, especially for older adults who find commuting to clinics and hospitals difficult. Moreover, these kits will also provide extra privacy in sexual health checkups like HPV, which needs to expose your body.

Common Old Age Diseases can be Diagnosed with CBC Checkups.

Old age never comes alone, but it carries the baggage of diseases and infections. Senior adults become more prone to infections because their immunity weakens, and their body becomes more easily susceptible to external pathogens. Thus, they require extra care and support medically.

Various diseases are common in older adults, and some of them are as follows:

  1. Heart Diseases: Diseases related to the cardiovascular system are prevalent among senior citizens. Every old adult might suffer from high blood pressure or have undergone an aortic valve replacement. According to a study, heart disease is the leading killer of seniors, affecting 37% of men and 26% of women. CBC health checkups can help in detecting various heart-related conditions.
  2. Arthritis: This is the number one condition that is present in people with the age of 65 or more. This condition affects the joints and makes them weak and painful. Degeneration and inflammation of joints (mostly of feet joints) are common symptoms. Almost 50% of adults have this condition in the UK.
  3. Diabetes: Although diabetes is also common in young people, the statistics are higher in older people. A CBC Test can easily detect the presence of this disease.
  4. Falls: Fall risk increases with age, leading to fractures and other emergencies. In many cases, a large amount of blood flows in an injury, requiring a CBC checkup.
  5. Obesity: This is another condition that is found in high numbers of senior citizens.
  6. Cancer: In old age, people suffer more from cancer. Ovarian and cervical cancer become more common. Getting regular testing for them is necessary. And also, don’t forget that HPV Home Testing is good for preventing cervical cancer.


Old age has to come to everyone who lives a long life. Some say caring for your parents when they are old is essential so your children will also care for you when you reach this age. Health is the main issue for senior citizens. Buying a CBC Test kit at home can ease many of your problems. HPV Testing kit is also helpful for older women at the menace of cervical cancer. The best method for health protection is to have regular checkups at a cost-effective price.